Tuesday, 12 February 2013

A lot can happen over a cup of coffee


I sat sharing a cappuccino with the person who was my prospect groom until a week ago.  With great mutual regret we had to call off the alliance as our horoscopes didn’t match. My orthodox mom declared "you guys are like two parallel tracks of a train which never meet".  I'm not an atheist but I'm not a great believer of these horoscopes either . His profile is quiet impressive but it's just a profile. Not a person. I've never met this guy. The point is mom could have been absolutely right.

I said 'That’s the end'  to myself  and kicked back to life only to receive a mail from him saying "why don’t we meet for a cup of coffee?". Now I had to brain storm and spell check 'Perhaps it is an AND, not  END'.
He is a team lead in an MNC in Bangalore. I'm a maiden graduate from Geethams, vizag.  Now, where do we meet to have this pricey cup of cappuccino? He chivalrously offered to fly to vizag and so be it. We decided to meet at the chocolate room overseeing the picturesque R.K beach.  

"why have you got yourself in to this mess? You don’t even know him. The alliance is on the rocks and yet….UFFF! you must be crazy" I accused my mirror. I looked ordinary, just like any other day, but for the excitement twinkling in my eyes. 
"Exactly! you don’t know him. So, go meet him and get to know him" my mirror baffled me. I decided not to primp myself. No facial. No hair cut. No creams and no brushes. I'll present as-I-am.
"what can possibly change over a cup of coffee?" I asked myself a question which echoed through the tunnels of my heart . A lot can happen over a cup of coffee. The tag line of CCD (Café coffee day) tantalized me with quixotic possibilities.

All that he said is he never met someone with such a 'you-are-so-just-like-me' vibe  and is looking forward to have an one-to-one intellectual talk. That’s something to think about and I said yes! After all my teacher taught me that birds with like feathers flock together.
Talking of like feathers, we have a lot in common. Apart from the similar upbringing and socio-economic strata, both of us are cancarians. Both of us are Jack-of-all-traits-master-of-none. He plays guitar and I violin. He sketches portraits while I paint on canvas. Both of us are huge fans of Sachin Tendulkar, A.R.Rehman and Hrithik roshan. We like the same color, same fruit, same genera of books and movies. Phew! And yet our horoscopes claim that we are parallel tracks of a train. And here I'm, sharing a cappuccino with the person who was my prospect groom until a week ago. 

He is tall, dark and handsome. He is all that any girl dreams for. I looked at him in the eye, yet my heart never skipped a beat. He smiled, I never blushed. We shook hands, yet my nerves didn’t tingle and jingle. My feet were firmly planted to the ground.  The day appeared like just-another-beautiful-day-of-January. Jan never metamorphosed in to an over whelming June. And I understood why people say it's always green on the other side.

He is impressive but not expressive. He is Calm but not cool. He is admirable but not amicable. He might be august (majestic) but I'm the December. (Honestly I didn’t mean that I'm the daughter of the italic god Faunus who is named December or 'the great one'. I just meant I'm the type of person who would curl my toes under my quilt until ten on a good winter morning)  He loves to jog, while I'm a lazy butt. He detests the junk and quotes "few moments on lips and forever on hips" while I chomp on my garlic bread with extra cheese.  I indeed realized we are not even the tracks of the same train but of different ones.
The day after my first and last date, I got up before my mom and fixed her a cup of coffee.  After all, the other night I learnt that 'A lot can happen over a cup of coffee.'


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