Friday, 22 February 2013

Man evolved from monkeys

Is your kid a naughty-witty-cutie? I bet he/she is! I mean it when I say each kid is unique. I love the way they pop out their twinkling eyes and ask mind blowing questions, pouring innocent faces.  At times you would be so tongue tied that either you laugh out or walk out.  I had many of those tongue-in-cheek moments with my 4 yr old daughter  Jaaji (Jasmine)

Each night I tuck her under her quilt and read out bed time stories. But she needs a new story each day. I could never satisfy her ever-demanding-appetite-of-stories. Off late we are in to a rapid-fire round of questions before her catnap. She asks me "Mommy! who lives above the sky?"
I casually answer  "God"
"Doesn’t god do pee-pee or poo-poo?" she adds innocently.
"No" I reply without hesitation.
"why not? where do you think the rain comes from?" her dad adds malevolently. He hardly helps me with the household chores and gets on to my nerves with those extra cheesy lines.  I threw him a nasty look and patiently explained her how water evaporates to form clouds and rains.

"Mommieeee! where do babies come from?" she comes up with a fresh topic the next day.
"God gift wrapped you in a pink ribbon and gave it to me" I said fondly stroking her cheek.
"And the name of the god is Dad" he adds with a grin pausing the rapid punching of keys on his lap-top.
"But Aarnav told me that the doctor gave him his sister in a hospital" she inquires. Her dad rolls on his couch with laughter.
I don’t have a choice but to tell her a carefully tailored version of how babies grow in a mothers tummy and how a doctor operates to bring them in to this world.  She is over whelmed when she heard the story, kissed me and said "Is that why you cried with tummy pain yesterday momie? Am I going to have a baby sister?" How can I explain her that the pain was not due to 'having a baby' but rather due to 'not having a baby'.

I decided that I had enough of this viva-voce. So one fine day I passed the buck to her dad and declared myself a holiday. I made myself comfortable on the beanbag with a cup of fruit salad.
"Daddy! why do all boys have a tail in the front?" she asked blinking her groggy eyes.
"A what?" her dads jaw dropped. It was my turn to roar with tumultuous laughter as I said "because man evolved from monkeys".

That day her dad realized as children grow up, we need to grow wiser and older parenting them.


  1. oops...
    poor her dad!! well, anyone in that situation would have been clueless...
    well, women are female monkeys then :P

  2. did daddy come up with an answer?

  3. Ha ha haa. history says man evolved from monkeys......not women :-p
